The Ultimate Understanding is to understand
there is no second thing exists other then the formless soul ,which is present in the form of consciousness. And the whole
diversity is created out of the soul or
Whatever is known, seen, believed and experienced is mere
mirage created out the formless soul, the innermost self. the formless soul is present in the form of consciousness. Thus everything within mirage is the consciousness.
The acceptance to accept the
diversity as mirage happens or not is the Will of soul, which is the true self.
And it is not the destiny of the
individual concerned, because individuality is mere illusion. Thus one who
believes in past, present and future and rebirth and reincarnation is not fit
to receive the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana because he accepts the individuality as reality. Without making sure of the fact that, the
individuality is mere mirage through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning it
is impossible to come out of individuality.
The reason based on individuality produces intellectuality. Intellectuality is not the means to
self-knowledge. There is no end to
argument based on intellectuality because it is based on the false self or ego.
It is impossible to “kill the
ego" alone because the body, world and ego appear together and disappear
together. All preaching, practices and
writings are base on the false self or ego which leads to all sorts of doubts and
confusion. The ego bases itself
intellectuality and intellectuality is I based on individuality. Thus individuality cannot transport one to
the non-dual destination. Thus,
ornamental words of the pundits may satisfy the ego but it has no value in pursuit of truth. The ego alone cannot be converted back to
the stuff from which has been created.
The individual experiences are not
realization because the individuality is part of the mirage. The individual
experiences are happenings with in the mirage, thus the personal experiences
are of no value in pursuit of truth. The one who knows the formless substance
and witness of the mirage knows “What is truth? is and “What is untruth”. Thus he has mental yardstick or wisdom of
judging what is real and what is unreal.
"Events happen; deeds are done
by an individual, but all that has taken place within the mirage. There is no
individual doer because the whole experience of diversity is dependent on the formless
soul,which is present in the form of consciousness."Till one learns view and judges the three states on the
base of the formless soul, he will not realize the he and his experience of the world is
mere mirage. Without realizing the mind as a mirage he will not be able to
accept the individuality as mirage. Till
once judgment is based on the individuality, the truth will not be revealed, and
it is impossible to move towards universality.
The main confusion arises only when one thinks he is person born in this world and the world existed prior to him; till this conviction is there it is impossible to assimilate non-dual truth. Thus it is necessary to realize the fact through deeper self-search, to the body is not the self and self is not born. Therefore, it is erroneous to treat the body as self and judge and conclude the truth on the physical base or ego.
The main confusion arises only when one thinks he is person born in this world and the world existed prior to him; till this conviction is there it is impossible to assimilate non-dual truth. Thus it is necessary to realize the fact through deeper self-search, to the body is not the self and self is not born. Therefore, it is erroneous to treat the body as self and judge and conclude the truth on the physical base or ego.
Many seekers want to know and
realize the truth but they are stuck with their inherited idea of karma,
rebirth, sin and reincarnation and heaven and hell. All this ideas are based on the physical self.
When the self is unborn the karma, rebirth, reincarnation theory itself has no
With what one is able to perceives
the world as person? Why the person and
his experience of the world cease to exist without the waking experience? Where the waking experience disappears when
the dream appears? Where the ego, body and the world exist?
Self-realization is simply the realization of the fact that,
the true self is neither the waking entity nor the self is dream entity but the self is formless soul,which witnesses the coming and going of the three states.
True self is nothing to do with neither waking entity nor the dream entity. the waking entity or ego is nothing to do with the ultimate truth. Whatever
is based on the waking entity or ego is falsehood because it is present only within waking experience which is mere illusion.
The formless substance and witness
of the three states is the formless soul is the innermost self. On the standpoint of the formless soul
as self, the all the accumulated intellectual knowledge is dross Thus, arguing on the base of intellectuality,
which is based on the false self (waking entity or ego), is not of any value.