Thursday, November 3, 2011

By activating Kundalini power one does not get nondual wisdom***

Nature of  the self  is like deep sleep.   The self is within the three stats as its formless substance and it is beyond the states of waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep as their formless witness. The non-dual self-awareness  has to be attained only through wisdom.

In yogic and mystic Samadhi are based on the body and experienced as the body as self.  Those who have witnessed it as an external phenomenon report that the experiencer appeared to have fallen into a kind of trance. The hair on the head and body stood erect. The half-closed eyes became fixed. Sometimes there was an astonishing loss of weight, or even levitation of the body from the ground. But these are mere symptoms, and tell us nothing. There is only one way to find out what yogic Samadhi is like: one must have it himself.

A man's spiritual consciousness is not awakened unless he becomes aware of the fact that ‘I’ is not the self, but the formless soul or consciousness  is the innermost self.

By activating Kundalini power one does not get non-dual wisdom. The wisdom does not dawn without realizing the fact that the world in which man exists is false.  To realize the world is falsehood it is an impossible task through yogic practice, because yoga is limited to the physical entity, and it holds the world as reality.

As per the yogic texts: The Kundalini dwells in the Muladhara. When it is aroused, it passes along the Sushumna nerve, goes through the centers of Svadhisthana, Manipura, and so on, and at last reaches the head. This is called the movement of the Mahavayu, the Spiritual Current. It culminates in Samadhi. Thus, Kundalini is subjected only to the physical body, and experienced as a body, whereas as the self is not the body because self is formless. Thus, what value the kundalini will have when  the  kundalini is based on physicality. 

Non-dual wisdom is based on the formless soul or consciousness which is the   true self, where one becomes fully aware of the fact that, the waking experience, which consists of the man and the world, are mere mirage, created out of formless  consciousness the innermost self.  Therefore, a Gnani is fully aware of the fact that everything in experience of diversity is consciousness , in the midst of waking experience. Whereas the yogi experiences only absent of thoughts in the Samadhi, and when he comes out of Samadhi, he is unaware of the fact that, duality is unreality, because he considers his body as the author of the Samadhi.  and his bodily experienced bliss as wisdom.