Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ultimate truth is non-dual; there is no enjoyer present to enjoy it, or to distinguish it from misery.

Doubts arise when one is meets with suffering and disappointment when all religious and yogic prescription does not yield and fruits. The doubts are absolutely necessary to make one inquire . Thus when man gets suffering he begins to question what is the cause for his suffering even though he has lived a religious regulated life and done only good deeds.  Pursuit of truth is for getting rid of all these doubts by realizing the fact that, self is not physical and physical existence is mere mirage. 
Liberation is not an idea but getting rid of all ideas based on the physical self. The ideas are based on physical self.  Ideas are part of the illusion.  Those seekers, who are so confused as to be unable to separate the formless witness of the illusion, talk of gaining liberation. But all such ideas are only illusion which come and go, the formless witness needs no liberation.
The final state is that “Soul” is everything the Whole, there is nothing but soul, whereas to say "God is in me" is religious.
Ultimate truth is non-dual; there is no enjoyer present to enjoy it or to distinguish it from misery. The mystic revels only in 'bliss' that is experienced i.e. that comes and goes, but his is not non-dualist because his experience is based on duality
The mystic's peace is temporary because it gets disturbed he recognizes a second: the only enduring peace belongs to the Gnani for it is non-dual.
Mystics claim that their ego disappears in the mystic experience and they remain:  but it is so then it is not wisdom. It is the ego is the physical self which that sees and enjoys the worldly pleasures and suffers pain   in the waking or dream experience. The waking and dream both are illusion. Thus the ego, body and world are part of the illusion. Therefore, the mystic claim that only ego disappears is impossibility because the ego, body and world appear together and disappears together.  Therefore, experiencing Samadhi as yogi is individual experience. The individuality is falsehood on the base of the soul, the innermost self.    Since they base themselves on the physical self their experience and peace are part of the illusion. The truth is the formless substance and witness of the illusion and it is nothing to do with the individual experiences happening within the illusion.
Truth cannot be got in fragments or parts. It is impossible know they are different parts of the same thing basing on the physical self.  The physical self creates division within the consciousness whereas on base of the soul, the innermost self ,  there is no division therefore there is always unity,  no diversity.
By mere imagining of unity in diversity is of no use. No proof can be found on the base of physical self. The various yoga-paths do not lead to the same realization because the all yoga’s are based and practiced n the physical self; and all are based on imagination or speculation based on the physical self. Thus whatever is based on the physical self is not the truth.
In religious life, authorities are needed. In spiritual quest they are to be regarded only as giving opinions, which may be consulted out of curiosity, but are of no value as proof.
Intellectuals think that Ultimate truth cannot be known.  They do not want to accept anything other then their accepted truth."  There is no use of discussing with the so-called intellectuals because they are no receptive and they want to highlight their own point of view.  Seeker of truth has to practice silent mode in the company of those who believe what they know is ultimate truth.  Every man thinks what he knows the truth. Therefore, only few are receptive and will verify every claim from all angles and then only accept if it is un-contradictable truth.  
Most intellectuals think what they know is right, what others knows is wrong." This unfortunate vanity is common to all people and prevents realization. One must begin by doubting his own knowledge, therefore. Only when doubts begin to arise does a he start in quest of truth. Such doubt puts one in inquiring mode.