Monday, December 13, 2010

Personal conduct cannot be used as a yardstick in pursuit of truth.

Personal conduct cannot be used as a yardstick in pursuit of truth.   All the societal and  religious code of conduct is meant for the physical plane. Deeper inquiry and reasoning reveals the fact that, the physical body (waking entity or ego) is not the self but  the true self is the formless soul, therefore, one has to view and judge the truth on the base the formless soul, in order to acquire non-dual wisdom. 
The whole physical experience is dependent on the soul for its existence. Thus, it is erroneous to view and judge the truth on the base of physical entity (‘waking entity or ego ’), which is the false self within the false experience.  Thus, it is necessary to know the true self is not ‘I’, but the formless soul in order to understand, assimilate, and realize the ultimate truth or reality. 

It is erroneous to view and judge the ultimate truth, on the base of the false self, within the false experience, without verifying the facts about our present physical experience is mere illusion.     Whatever viewed and judged on the false self (‘waking entity or ego ’) within the false experience is bound to be falsehood. Thus, it is necessary to know what is real and what unreal in order is to have the yardstick to accept the truth and reject the untruth. 

Thus on the base of the soul as true self, the physical existence is mere mirage or falsehood.  Therefore, whatever has seen, known, experienced, and believed as a person within the physical existence is bound to be falsehood.  The formless substance and witness of the mirage or  falsehood is real and eternal.  Therefore, the codes of conducts are meant for the worldly life, which is part of the mirage.  Thus, individual conducts are reality within the mirage therefore; it cannot be accepted as yardstick. 

Until and unless one learns to view and judge the physical existence on the base of formless soul, the truth will not be revealed.