Monday, December 13, 2010

Reality is the consciousness, which is the true self - the ultimate subject, which is within the mind but it is without the mind.

Consciousness is the ultimate reality.  consciousness is the innermost   self , consciousness is the ultimate subject, which is within the mind but it is without the mind. Consciousness is not the empirical self because that which has empirical existence cannot be ultimately real. The real is the consciousness, which is immanent in both the subject and the object and yet transcends them both. It transcends the trinity of the knower, known and knowledge. It has neither attachment nor connection nor relation to anything else. It is self-proved, self-existent, innate and uncaused. Even to say that it is the "unborn" is valid only from the empirical standpoint - for it is beyond the intellect.

Self-knowledge is the destroyer of ignorance. The self is the inner guru, god, the all-pervading principle and the cause of all three states.

The serious seeker should constantly reflect on the true self constantly through inquiry, analysis and reasoning, which is in the form of consciousness because it is the only means to acquire Self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the only tool   for the acquisition of final freedom from experiencing the illusory duality as reality.

Seeker has to have the indifference mentally to all the three states because the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Holding the three states as reality is great hindrance in pursuit of truth. Thus one has to remove all the obstacles and mental barricade one by one by realizing the self is not the form but the self is formless. The  three states are perishable in their nature because they are  mere mirage created out of consciousness. The consciousness, which is the formless substance and witness of the mirage, is real and eternal.  Thus the consciousness is the inner most self. And knowing and realizing consciousness as self is the means to the attainment of Self- Realization or Truth Realization.

Consciousness is the true self is the formless substance and witness of the three states is alone real and permanent. The three states are an object opposed to it, which is transient – such a settled conviction is truly known as discrimination.

Turning attention completely from all the three state sand concentrating only on consciousness which is the formless substance and the witness of the three states is the only means to acquire non-dual wisdom.

Intense urge to become free from the bonds of this birth, life deaths and world, leads one to indulge in pursuit of truth.

Only serious seekers who have an intense urge to acquire Self- Knowledge should have courage to discard the false-knowledge with a view to attaining non-dualistic wisdom. 

Self- Knowledge is not brought about by any other means than inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base. Trying to attain self-knowledge through other means is like trying to find fish in the desert sand.