Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ignorance is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality.

The formless Soul is innermost  self is always tranquil and present in the form of  pure consciousness and beyond objective world. Without deeper self-search one gets duped by illusion and experiences unreality  as reality.

The 'I'  is the cause of the ignorance. And ignorance is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality.

One has to become aware of the fact that, the ego, body, world are within the mind. Mind is in the form of universe. Universe  appears as waking or dream [duality] and disappear as deep sleep [non-duality]. The three states are impermanent.  The three states are one in essence.  the essence is consciousness(soul).  That which is aware of the coming and going of the three states is formless soul or consciousness . formless Soul or Consciousness is  permanent and apart.

Mind contains the body and the universe. The substance of the  mind is  formless consciousness; the whole waking experience is mental because it within the mind and it is mind alone.

If the mind is confined to the body it becomes ego. One has to understand the fact that mind, is not within the body; but the body and the world  are within the mind. This is very important point. Without understanding this fact, one will not be able understand and realize, the mind which come and goes as waking or dream as mere illusion. By considering the waking entity or ego as self, one is duped by illusion and experiences it as reality.

One cannot have the idea of reality without having the idea of unreality. Both rise and fall together. Therefore the soul , the innermost self is neither real nor unreal, because it is beyond duality; where there is no second thing to say it is real and unreal. Hence it is non- dual.

What is it makes the body and the world exist for everyone? It is awareness. The mind is objective awareness. The soul is subjective awareness. When the entire object disappears then the subject alone will prevail as objectless awareness or objectless consciousness. The objectless consciousness is the nature of the soul.

Thus limiting the conciseness to the physical body alone is the cause of ignorance, whereas the consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.