Thursday, July 14, 2011

Adyatmic discussion- 21

I do not agree with the fact that the mere existence. Existence is temporary, always connected with time and space, while the truth is unchanging and everlasting. (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj)
June 2 at 1:09am · · ·

  • 4 people like this.

    • Christy Pfeifer sooo true ♥
      June 2 at 1:50am · · 1 person

    • Shantinath Neuen really?... when, like Buddha stated: "all form is emptiness... and all that is emptiness is form" has a meaning, then the "truth", albyte its nondual lable is changing continuously...
      June 8 at 10:41am ·

    • Pavlos Dolatzoglou ‎????really really???? when you say: all is relative, or all is changing then this "truth" that all is relative, is this relative or is it true? So you have to use your "truth" to the "truth" itself. To say all is changin continously must be an everlasting truth, because if not, than the message, all is changing is not true, and somethin absolute and unchangable remains. And vice versa, logically
      June 8 at 3:02pm ·

    • Pavlos Dolatzoglou so please dear hobby-buddhists, check out your buddhism deeply ;o)
      June 8 at 3:03pm ·

    • Shantinath Neuen Pavlos... why do you put so much anger in your comment? maybe i can explain what i am saying... you assume that Buddha`s statement is saying that everything is relative... but this is not at all what it says... it says that there is no difference between the consciousness which is empty or the consciousness that is form....
      June 8 at 3:36pm ·

    • Pavlos Dolatzoglou hello Shantinath, my english is not so good, so i understood it in the way, that you understood it, in the way that "there can not be "a truth" and that the message form is emptyness and vice versa would be more adequat. The ironical Pepper is more for my self-amousement ;o)
      June 9 at 1:25am ·

    • Pavlos Dolatzoglou Raphael (a advaita-teacher) said something like, the teachings of buddha would analyze the empirical world and would mostly just inplicate the "metaphysical" Truth. So maybe there is no bridge between the relative and the absolute. Buddha said once, that if there would not be, a uncaused, absolute truth, all his teachings would make no sense.
      June 9 at 1:28am ·

    • Pavlos Dolatzoglou and, never mind, i mostly react to my personal misinterpretations ;-)
      June 9 at 1:30am ·

    • Shanti Ananda
      my english also not good. therefore occasionally used compiler. as well as now. in the quotation Nisargadatta talk about our individual existence, which is bound to space and time. but this individual consciousness, our existence is a fact ...See More

      June 9 at 1:35am · · 1 person

    • Christy Pfeifer Misunderstanding " happens". We cannot define the Absolute and unchanging Truth. In the phenomenal realm all is changing and all has its place. But in this there is no separation, like the two parts of one coin. Are you happy , now????? Hi, Pavlos ♥
      June 9 at 1:37am · · 1 person

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      Existence is both dual and non-dual existence. The duality is illusory existence and non-duality is permanent and eternal existence. When one takes world is both real and unreal he is bound to have all confusion. The individual experience of the birth, life, death and the world are mere mirage created out of consciousness.
      The individual experience is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness and impermanent, but it is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself.
      When our approach is more practical, and we stuck with the reality of practical life within the practical world, we take it as real, but deeper self-search revel the fact that, the self is not individual because it pervades in everything and everywhere in the universe, which appears as waking or dream. Thus the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but self is the formless substance and witness of the three states. That formless substance and witness is consciousness. Thus consciousness alone is real and eternal and the universe, which is in the form of mind, appears as waking or dream [duality] and diapers as [non-duality]

      July 5 at 10:05pm · · 1 person

    • Ernest Ji Yes!
      July 5 at 10:47pm ·

    • Shantinath Neuen consciousness cannot be the witness... ponder!
      July 5 at 11:01pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      The witness and witnessed are one in essence. There is no second thing exist other than consciousness. Consciousness can remains with or without the universe[waking or dream] as it remains in deep sleep. When it becomes consciously aware of...See More

      July 6 at 8:01am · · 1 person

    • Shantinath Neuen this is an ant describing the life of a mermaid....
      July 6 at 10:27am ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar When the ant is not aware of the fact that, it is not an ant and mermaid is not mermaid in reality, it experiences its form and name as reality and remain speculating things as an ant. When the ignorance vanishes than there is neither the ant nor the mermaid but the formless knower of the form and name, which is consciousness alone exists as ultimate truth or Brahman.
      July 6 at 10:52am ·

    • Shantinath Neuen right... now you are talking... the only thing is... consciousness is NOT witnessing itself...
      July 6 at 11:23am ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      Within the duality[ignorance or illusion ] the consciousness seems to be many but in reality the consciousness is one. Since I and you and the world are part of the illusion created out of conciousness. And we are discussing within the i...See More

      July 6 at 1:01pm ·

    • Shantinath Neuen ‎ see... nothing to witness... nobody witnessing...
      July 6 at 1:21pm · · 1 person

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      From ultimate standpoint there is noting to witness because the witness and witnessed are one in essence. That essence is consciousness. Without realizing consciousness as true self and saying there is no witness nobody on the base of physical self or false self, is mere intellectuality. Without consciousness no one can say there is nothing to witness and there is nobody because the consciousness is the very basis of one who says there nothing to witness and there is nobody. no one and his experience of the universe can exist without the consciousness. The consciousness is prior to anything that exist. And it is cause of the universe that appears as waking or dream[duality] and disappears as deep sleep[non-duality] and it itself is uncaused. Thus realization of ultimate truth or Brahman is necessary to know what is what.

      July 6 at 1:59pm ·

    • Shantinath Neuen hahaha... "Thus, realization of ultimate truth..." what a delicious, utterly nonsense sentence...
      July 6 at 4:50pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      I respect your views but as per my conviction derived fro deeper self-search:- All sentences, words, thoughts and also the person who thinks everything is nonsense is created out of consciousness,which he is unaware of , because he thinks his body as body, his ego as ego his experience of the ,world as world but never he is unaware of the truth they are just mirage created out consciousness due to ignorance of the truth . People fail to understand that , the emptiness is the nature of the self ,which is consciousness. When self becomes aware of its formless non-dual nature it becomes empty of ignorance or illusion or duality or experience of waking or dream. thus whatever remains empty of duality or ignorance or illusion is non-dual reality. only through wisdom one becomes aware of the truth in he midst of duality. that is why "Sri,Sankara said:- Without causing the objective universe to vanish and without knowing the truth of the Self, how is one to achieve Liberation. [63- VivekaChudamani ] "
      Universe will not remain as reality when wisdom dawns. Universe is mere mirage created out of consciousness and there is unity in diversity because there is no second thing exist other than consciousness.
      One thinks he is imprisoned within this body; whereas the body and his experience of the world are within the mind. The consciousness is hidden within the three states but it is without the three states. The one, which has the awareness of the three states, is not the body but the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Thus consciousness is not limited to waking experience alone because it pervades all the three states. until one views and judges the world-view on base of ego he is in the grip of individuality or intellectuality. The self is not an individual because it is universal. And it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. Thus individualized judgment will not lead one non-dual destination. that is why Sri,Sankara says in Viveka Chudamani :-65. As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent Truth of the self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through perverted arguments.
      66. Therefore the wise should, as in the case of disease and the like, personally strive by all the means in their power to be free from the bondage of repeated births and deaths.
      thus one has to know what is real by realizing our body and our experience of the world is mere illusion created out of consciousness,which the inner most self. The nature of the self is emptiness. and it is identified by different masters with different name, such as Brahman,Buddha's nature ,Christ consciousness,Self ,Ultimate Truth. Even in the Buddhism: - Buddhist teaching has itself become a kind of interactive and self-evolving process, much like its idea of pratityasamutpada. However, the end goal is still Nirvana, which is an experience ultimately beyond all concepts and language, even beyond the Buddhist teachings. In the end even the attachment to the Dharma, the Buddhist teaching, must be dropped like all other attachments. The tradition compares the teaching to a raft upon which one crosses a swift river to get to the other side; once one is on the far shore; there is no longer any need to carry the raft. The far shore is Nirvana, and it is also said that when one arrives, one can see quite clearly that there was never any river at all.
      The scriptures and theories and teaching based on the ego are not the yardstick. Using them as yardstick to understand and assimilate the truth will lead one towards pursuit of arguments. Seeker of truth has to discover on his own, the truth of his true existence by inquiring “what is mind?” and “what is substance of the mind?” and move forward.
      The wisdom consists in knowing the truth, that everything [mind or physical existence] is consciousness. Freedom [truth] is always there yet one does not know it. But to those whose reason is turned away from physicality and who have attained the serenity of the soul/self [consciousness] are quite near to the Ultimate Truth.

      July 6 at 5:56pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar If the subject is object and object is subject, then there is no second thing other than the subject . Thus the subject is consciousness consciousness alone is real and eternal.
      July 6 at 7:46pm ·

    • Shantinath Neuen AHA... Iamyou...
      July 6 at 8:23pm ·

    • Christy Pfeifer ‎...and You are me.....heheheh :-)
      July 7 at 1:34am ·

    • Dilip Desai put another way, both you & me are fiction !!!!!!!!
      July 9 at 5:31pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      Self is not limited to mere 'I' and YOU, because the self is not an individual. It is not individual because it is formless. Self,which is in the form of consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in the universe. Until one holds '...See More

      July 9 at 6:14pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      Dear Iamyou, Deeper self-search revels the fact that 'I AM' or 'I' is an object to the formless subject. Self is not ‘I’ or I AM. Until 'I' or 'I AM' is considered as self, the separation is bound to be there. Until separation is there duality bound to be there. Until duality is there the ignorance bound to be there. Until ignorance is there the illusion bound to be there. Until illusion is there unreality prevails as reality. Until unreality prevails as reality the experience of birth, life, death and the world prevails as reality. Until the experience of birth, life, death as reality, self is in the grip of duality, separation, ignorance, illusion. If one is seriously seeking truth than it is high time to drop holding 'I' or 'I' AM' as self, because the self is beyond 'I' or 'I AM'.

      That is why Buddha said: - Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true.

      The words have meaning in duality. Duality exists until mind exists. Mind exists where there is division of form, time and space. If there is no division of form, time and space, than there is no mind. Words are used as a tool to name individual objects and feelings within the duality. The words become meaningless when one becomes aware of the formless substance of the mind, which is consciousness. Consciousness is our inner most self. From the standpoint of our inner most self, the mind is mere mirage. If mind is mere mirage then the form, time and space are mere mirage. If form, time and space are mere mirage than the thoughts and words which rises within the scope of form, time and space are also part and parcel of that mirage. Thus body, ego, words, thoughts, and whatever the contents of the universe are within the mirage created out of single stuff that is consciousness. Thus it is necessary to know 'What is mind?' and 'What is the substance of the mind?' and 'What is the source of the mind?', in order to realize the words are meaningless in the realm of truth.

      But deeper self-search reveals the fact that 'I' is not the self because it appears and disappears. The formless substance and witness of the 'I' ,which is formless consciousness is the true self. If the self is form [I] than the evolution theory holds water. If the self is formless [soul] than all the theories based on the form is of no value. Until one thinks 'I' or I AM' as self all these theories cannot transport anyone beyond form, time and space. the theory of evolution is based on individuality ,whereas the self, pervades in everything and everywhere in the universe. Individuality is reality within the falsehood. Thus all the theory based on individuality is bound to be falsehood. Thus our judgment and reason and conclusion has to be based on formless self not on the form[I] as self to realize Illusion is where one is bound to:

      Form, time and space

      Birth, life and death

      Pain and Pleasure,

      Burden and bondage

      Waking, dream and deep sleep

      Universe/Mind /Duality

      Illusion is created out of consciousness. Because of ignorance the illusion is experienced as reality. Illusory reality deludes because I is based on egocentricity. In egocentricity one does knows not the ultimate truth and permanently remains in ignorance.

      Thus it is high time to drop all accumulated dross and move forward with deeper verification and accept only un-contradictable truth, because un-contradictable truth is non-dual truth.
      In self-awareness Change and changeless are one in essence than only there is self-awareness. The knower and known and the knowledge are also consciousness. When the self which is consciousness becomes aware of its own formless true nature in the midst of diversity or duality it is called self –awareness.

      Man and the world is product of ignorance. Thus it is not the man who is in ignorance but it is the formless consciousness [true self] , which is in ignorance of its true nature. When self becomes aware of its true nature than its ignorance vanishes and it alone prevails in its own awareness. Thus body, senses, intellect, ego, universe are mere mirage created out of consciousness.

      Tuesday at 8:22am ·

    • Iamyou Uarei You are the MAN.
      Tuesday at 8:57am ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      You are[I AM or 'I'] is limited to physical entity . holding You are[I AM] as self is erreneous. Self is not a man but the self,which is in the form of consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states as their formless substance and witness. SELF IS WITHIN THE THREE STATES BUT IT IS WITHOUT THE THREE STATES. Self is within the three states as their formless substance and it is without the three states as their formless witness. Limiting the self to physical entity is cause of ignorance. Ignorance is cause of experiencing the illusory duality[waking] as reality. until one thinks man is self ,he experiences the birth,life,death and world as reality. preliminary inquiry revels the fact that the self is not the body thus self is not the man. until one thinks self is man, he experiences the practical life within the practical world as reality,whereas on the ultimate standpoint - he as man and his body, his ego and his experience of the world are mere mirage created out of consciousness,which is the inner most self or our true identity. Thus all the form and names are nothing but consciousness. thus consciousness alone is real all else is false hood. the consciousness is ultimate truth or Brahman or Buddha's nature or Christ consciousness or God.

      Tuesday at 9:51am ·

    • Iamyou Uarei Mr. Kummar: Slow down a little, smell the roses, this is not a show is scholarly. Allow all of this knowledge get you out of yourself, and when you give it away, give it slowly.
      LOVE YOU for I am YOU.

      Tuesday at 7:06pm ·

    • Pavlos Dolatzoglou on the other way: if it was to much, it was not enough ;o) (i heard once ;o)
      14 hours ago ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      Mr Iamyou , thank you for your wisdom. it is very kind of your valuable advise. Scholarly knowledge is not wisdom . Just by saying I AM YOU , the wisdom will not dawn. ---THE ‘I’ OR ‘I AM’ IS CAUSE OF THE INGNORENCE. Thus one has to get ri...See More

      13 hours ago · · 1 person

    • Iamyou Uarei A little hurt, Are you Mr.Kumaar? If you are hurt, I am YOU. If you are not hurt, I am YOU. Whatever and how ever you are I am YOU. But, you do not want "I" to be YOU. Can't do it, Can YOU? You see I am what YOU perceive me to be, and I am what I perceive I to be.
      I perceive I to be YOU.
      I don’t only LOVE YOU , I am YOU.

      10 hours ago ·

    • Iamyou Uarei I am going to send a frieng request to YOU, I will see how that is recieved..
      10 hours ago ·
    • When the self is beyond form, time and space where is feeling to get hurt. The hurt and feeling are reality within the illusion . When one identifies with the 'I' or I AM ,the self is identified with individuality. Individuality is cause of the ignorance. Ignorance is cause of experiencing illusion as reality . Until we identify the self with words we prevail as reality thus we have to mentally grasp the reality without the words to enter the awareness of our formless true identity ,which is beyond form,time and space. I too love you in duality but in reality we are one. Thank you. I admire your humility. take care and have a blissful time in this illusory duality.