Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The waking may be full of things of great value, but if there is nobody to buy them, they have no price

Once the seeker realizes that the non-duality is the goal and that he is always on the right path, to reach a goal and he will acquire non dual wisdom. In the realm of non-dual truth life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple and burden- less.
After all, what does the soul or consciousness ,the innermost self really wants? Not perfection; it is already perfect. What it seeks is to express in action what it is in the midst of the illusion. For this it has the ignorance. By overcoming the ignorance it is back to its formless non dual true nature.
Soul  or consciousness , the innermost self   cannot be given name and form, for it is without quality and beyond duality. Like water in the snow or cloud   yet not of water, so is the soul or consciousness, the innermost self is the formless substance of whatever that exits in objective experience.
Soul or consciousness, the innermost self by itself the light can only be compared to a solid, dense, rock like, homogeneous and changeless mass of pure awareness, free from the mental patterns of name and shape. The supreme gives existence to the objective experience.
There can be no experience of the soul  or consciousness, the innermost self as it is beyond all objective experience. On the other hand, the soul the innermost  self is the experiencing factor in every experience and thus, in a way, validates the multiplicity of experiences.
The waking may be full of things of great value, but if there is nobody to buy them, they have no price. The soul contains everything experienceable(waking or dream), but without the formless  experiencer they are as nothing. That which makes the experience possible is the soul. That which makes it actual is the soul or consciousness,  the innermost  Self.
When the non-dual wisdom dawns the one becomes aware of the formless witness of the three states which is the soul or consciousness, the innermost self. The witness also is the formless substance of the three states, therefore the witness (soul)  and witnessed (three states) both are one in essence.  Thus form is formless in essence.