Rs Mani When you say "when the mind subsides and rests in consciousness" is mind different from consciousness, and has it got independent existence?
9 hours ago ·
Santthosh Kumaar
As ice and clouds are not different from water, so the mind emanating from the soul is not different from it. The mind [three states] emanating from the soul [consciousness] means mind being the effect from the soul [consciousness] is not different from it. Analysis shows it. Analysis needs thinking. The ice and clouds have form; but where is the form in the water. Where did the form come from? All that one can say is that the water is not different from the ice and cloud. The mind is same as the soul, as the water produces the ice and clouds, so the soul [consciousness] produces the mind,which is in the form universe..
8 hours ago · ·3
Rs Mani That is a nice analysis, but does mind has form, like cloud and ice? I know examples should not be stretched, but how does one know his mind as mind? Is it an object for one.
8 hours ago ·
Santthosh Kumaar
The ice cannot exist without water. Same way the mind, which is mere objective awareness cease to exist, without the consciousness [soul/self]. The positive or negative consciousness is reality within the duality. The diversity is reality on the base of false self. When the body and the world [mind] are made of consciousness, there is no scope for any second thing to exist other than consciousness. Hence it is called non dual.
Only when the ignorance vanishes one becomes aware of the one and only consciousness, which pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. When everything is made of a single stuff, it is erroneous to judge and conclude the truth on the base of the object, without being aware of the subject. On the base of the formless subject [soul] there is oneness, and on the base of the object as subject [physical self or ego or waking entity] there is diversity.
Therefore, there is a need to understand the fact that, object is not the subject. The subject is formless [soul or consciousness] and object is the form [mind or universe or waking ]. The man and his experience of the world exist within the mind. Thus whatever, one knows, sees, experiences, and believes as person of the world are reality within the mind. The mind is unreal on the base of its substance from which it is created.
When one identifies the body and the world are apart from the consciousness, he remains ignorant of the true fact that, everything is the product of the consciousness. The illusion [three states] cannot be considered as real.
If one takes the illusion as reality, then the dream which is mere illusion has to be taken as reality. What was the material of the dream? What witnessed the dream as a whole without the physical apparatus? What is it that witnessed the dream without the physical apparatus? The same witness, which witnessed the dream, witnessed the waking experience as whole without the physical apparatus.
Thus, the idea of negative and positive consciousness is based on the false self, within the false experience. Thus the falsehood is the product of the ignorance. By getting rid of the ignorance makes one realize there is no second thing exist other than consciousness [soul].
Thus, one has to learn to view everything on the base of the subject [soul or consciousness] as self, to clear all clouds of confusion.
8 hours ago · ·3
Maida Curtovic Rs Mani..a way to "see" the form of the mind is to pay attention to the reflection (i.e. your experience) of the world that you are experiencing. whatever "form" you detect:)) is the form of the mind. if you stay within the form you will notice something extraordinary: that beyond that there is formless observer who is giving the screen to the mind to develop all those forms. You are that!
7 hours ago · ·1