Saturday, November 26, 2011

The worship or glorifying gurus does not free one from ignorance.***

"I-ness" is physical awareness. Physical awareness is man and world together. I-ness is the cause of the ignorance. The whole universe is built on the “I’.   

All activities take place within the universe. The universe is false from the standpoint of the soul, the innermost self.  Thus all the activities going on within the universe is    false because the universe itself is false. If the cause is false, then the effect must be automatically false as well. FORMLESS PATH 

The Seeker of truth wants only non-dualistic  or Advaitic  truth.  non-dualistic or Advaitic truth is ultimate truth or Brahman. Those who are incapable of reason on the true base have the belief in Religion. Religion is not truth merely because it always shows contradiction.  The seeker should  not be carried away from the confusion of issues judge someone  is such a noble person  with  good  character, therefore  what he says must be true." The person may be sincere, enthusiastic, high charactered, but withal a shallow thinker. 

Most People are still in a primitive stage of mentality. They talk of a soul leaving the body at death, when a civilized man knows that nobody has ever seen this soul. Experience shows that God has been unable to do anything for anyone either as individuals or for the world. In olden days men were primitive in their thought, so that a man having little knowledge was considered a genius. Now-a-days our knowledge is so advanced that the genius of those days would be an ordinary man of today. Therefore if one finds truth, free his -self from the tyranny of environment and tradition, not by condemning them but by examining and testing them by deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning to find out  whether they be true or not. Accept nothing on the authority of a god man or genius of the past or present but only if it proves true after examination. 

The people with the same  mindsets  is always willing to examine the facts and judge them calmly whereas the religious scholars and intellectuals  will be immune to all facts and hold hard to their delusions. Such people do not want the truth but only what pleases them. This is because the ego in them is so strong.  Their attitude is “What pleases them is truth, what they dislike is false. 

The worship or glorifying gurus does not free one from ignorance. The rewards are none of them, the reward achieved in their lives are of consequence and not the result of worshiping and glorifying the gurus. 

People always need some sort of hope when their minds are not yet enlightened. "Self is closer to man than his own veins." "With the Self- Knowledge, one will begin to know the ultimate truth, so as to finally realize the fact that, self is not physical and becomes conscious that the true self is the Spirit."

Most people lack the patience and perseverance in investigating and collecting all the data before judging: hence they assume gurus are god men are great because other people say so, or that he is wise because he himself says so, or that what he teaches is true because it attracts them. Such an   attitude and easy assumptions becomes an obstacle to fold the truth and it requires some trouble to put into effect. 

Religionists say the scriptures are incapable of making a mistake, but in pursuit of truth scriptures are considered as the only book of words.  It is impossible to see if the scripture-writers thoughts are founded in fact or not. All concept of the heavens/paradise are imagined and physically based (‘I’).  Where obedience to authority leads to the loss of one is thinking power, it is being overdone and harmful. Thinking must be combined with obedience.

All the three states experience has to be resolutely weighed, and accurately, observed in the pursuit of truth, one must inquire:

What are these three states which appear and disappear?

What is ‘I’?

Hence, inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base is, a necessary foundation. The Yogi who looks only on the physical self and ignores to include the world away which is the part of the materials needed to find truth. 

Without knowing the nature of the three states, it is impossible to know the truth. What is the use of trying to find its inner self before it understands the three states.

People may quote the scriptures, make sacrifices to the gods, perform actions and pay homage    to the deities,   but there is no liberation from experiencing duality as reality without   recognizing   the    oneness with the soul which   is the true self. 

Scripture declares that there is no hope of immortality by means of wealth, so it is evident that liberation cannot be brought about by physical actions or karma.  Therefore the action is not the means to self-realization. 

Proper analysis leads to the realization of the reality of the three states, and this is the end of the pain of   the fear of the ignorance caused by delusion. The realization of the truth is possible only from inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, not  on bathing in Holy River or donations or by glorifying the god or gurus   or by yogic breathing exercises. Achievement of   the goal depends primarily   on the seriousness of the seeker.