Thursday, May 13, 2010

The ultimate truth cannot be expressed in the physical realm with words

The ultimate truth cannot be expressed in the physical realm with words ,because it is hidden within the physical existence(universe or mind) as it formless substance and witness. That inexpressibility is intrinsic to truth. People have tried to express it – very few have succeeded even in giving a reflection of it.
The purpose of pursuit of truth is not to entertain with ornamental words . The purpose of it is to say there is no other way other then path of inquiry, analysis and reason to reach the non-dual destination.  Truth,  cannot be put into a theory – it is beyond all the egocentric paths and practices based on imagination.
All the accumulated knowledge based on the physical self , has to be burnt ,as dross.  It is of not of any  use in pursuit of truth, when one realizes the fact that ,the self is not physical but it is formless soul or consciousness or spirit.
Truth  cannot  expressed or  shown by physical expression .  Because it is beyond physical existence. Truth has to be discovered and grasped mentally.  Seeker should not cling to the physical existence ,which is mere mirage. Seeker has to discover the substance and witness of the mirage and realize the fact,  that the formless substance is the soul. And the soul is the ultimate truth.   

If one thinks Advaitic truth on non-dualistic is the ultimate truth, then one has to drop all theories based on the waking entity   or as self, because Advaitic or non-dualistic truth is based on the formless soul, which is the innermost self. 

By accepting karma theory one is  accepting the false self, as real self, and world as reality, therefore, there is no need for self-inquiry “Who am ‘I’ “, because one has  accepted the present physical identity and world as reality.  Self-inquiry makes one realize the fact that self is not the body. After knowing the fact that self is not the body, then it is erroneous to think again as the body as self, and holding the body based theories as reality.  Thus karma theory becomes a biggest obstacle in the path of inquiry and truth, because it does not allow the seeker to cross the threshold of duality.

  The physical body and the world exist only in waking or dream(duality)  are impermanent and illusory in nature, because they appear and disappear as mind. The soul which is the formless substance and witness of the duality is permanent. Therefore, whatever is seen known and believed and experienced as real within the waking also is as real as dream.