Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It is erroneous to think that the spiritual heart is in the right or left side of the physical body.

All over the world people have been killed and are being killed in the name of religion and god. Because they are not aware of the fact, their belief of god and their religion is reality within the illusion. Until one is convinced, the waking experience is illusion, they are bound to believe in the concept of god and his inherited religion as reality.

All over the world Religionists, without any distinction of their religious denomination, have the idea that the god is within the heart. However, unaware what is it? Whenever they think of god, they think of the heart. There is in no scientific proof but emotionally God is felt in the heart region.

Therefore, many meditation have been created by the yogis that supports and strengthens the idea of the god is within the heart. However, in deeper inquiry and reasoning revels the fact that the soul [true self] is the center of the three states. Without the self [Ataman] there is no mind [Waking /dream/deep sleep] therefore Atman is the spiritual heart.

It is erroneous to think that the spiritual heart is in the right or left side of the physical body. When the `self ' is not the physical body, it is erroneous to seek truth on the base of the ’I’ [physical body] as `self.

Man has to realize the fact that he and his world are within the mind [waking /dream/ `I']. Unless and until man searches the truth on the base of ‘I’, which is the false self, he will not succeed in discovering the nondual /ultimate truth. Therefore, when man finds that `self ' is not the physical body in preliminary inquiry, of “WHO AM `I'”, then he has to shift his base of inquiry from form[‘I’] base to soul[formless ] base to unfold the truth of the true existence .
Thus, seeker has to proceed in inquiring, “What is `I'?" Deeper inquiry and reasoning into the nature of the mind [`I '] he will discover that neither the `I' nor the physical body is the true self. However, `I' is mind, and mind is the whole waking or dream experience.

Limiting the mind/’I’ only to the physical entity is causes the ignorance. When Seeker considers ‘I’ as mind, and mind as the whole Waking /dream experience, then he will be in the position to understand the and grasp the reality of his true existence.

Thus, seeker has to take his first step by realizing the fact that `I' as mind, and mind is whole Waking/dream experience. Then only it becomes easy for him to grasp and assimilate the non dual truth. Seeker has to rectify his seeking base from form [‘I’] base to soul [formless] base to realize "`I' is mere illusion." Seeker has to reflect on it all the time, until the conviction becomes firmer and receptive to it spontaneously. Then only it becomes simpler and easier to grasp and assimilate the non-dual truth.

Seeker has to penetrate deeper and deeper by thinking through constant inquiry and reasoning. Furthermore Realize the fact waking experience [duality or mind] is the experience of the Atman [Formless witness], not of the physical body.

As the seeker realizes the fact that the Waking /dream arises from formless source and subsides in formless source. Until and unless the Seeker becomes aware of the fact that, man and his world exits within the waking /dream , the formless witness of the three states is apart from it, then only his attention shifts to the formless witness [Ataman].

Man is unaware of the fact that he and his world are part of the mirage. Until he becomes aware of the substance of the mirage, he will remain unaware of the reality, because he is immersed himself in experiencing the duality as reality. Therefore, he is deviated from Self-awareness of the soul, the more confusion and suffering is created. It is very difficult to grasp and sustain this fact in the beginning. Gradually the Seeker will be able to grasp and get firm conviction of the fact that, the soul is the true self and learns view and judge the three states on the base of the soul as self and realize the fact that all the three states are unreal, on the base of the soul as self.

In ultimate analysis, the seeker becomes fully aware of the fact that Ataman is the true self and waking experience [`I'] is only a mirage. Only through non-dual wisdom, the seeker has to overcome the illusion, which he is experiencing it as reality.

Therefore, worshiping gods and observing religious code of conducts are not the means to self-knowledge, because they make one believe that, he is born in this world, and the world as reality, which makes him to accept the Waking experience as reality. However, man and the world are within the waking experience. In addition, waking experience is mere mirage on the base of Ataman, the true self.