Wednesday, January 6, 2010


There is illusory existence and real existence. The highest intellectual inquiry and reasoning is regarding the external world, the world which is seen in the waking experience.

"What is the nature of the world which one sees?" is the first question with which seeker must start. We can show that the same principle that seen objects are unreal applies to the waking, no less than to the dream state.

Houses and friends you have seen are real. One goes to another country and sees the beautiful modern highways roads and skyscrapers, and people and says they are real.

 What right have he to say that? How did he get the sense of reality about them? What is it that gives him this idea and feeling of the reality of these things seen in the other country?

He assumes that whatever is seen is real.

 Why did he make such an assumption?

In past experience whatever he has seen and they seemed real, and so drew the conclusion that whatever is he has seen are real, and so automatically assume that every newly seen things is real. The man has been conditioned to view logically judgmental to a generalized conclusion that all objects seen are real. But he is unaware of the fact that he is seeing the objects and an individual within the waking/dream. He and his objective awareness is limited to waking/dream. The waking/dream is witnessed by the formless witness/soul. On the standpoint of the formless witness /soul the three states are unreal.
