Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It may be perfectly correct that one cannot imagine a mountain without being in waking/dream

It may be perfectly correct that one cannot imagine a mountain without being in waking/dream. The individual experiences within the waking/dream have to be treated as mere mirage. The essential point is not to base and judge the truth on the individual experiences within the waking/dream but what becomes experience of duality[waking/dream] and non duality [deep sleep].

All the contents of the waking/dream are mere mirage thus the individual experiences has no meaning. Searching the meaning for the life is like searching sweet water in sea. There is no creator or creation whatever exists on the base of observers’ instrument of viewing. If the worldview is viewed on the base of the physical instrument worlds seems to be reality. If it is viewed on the base of the soul all the three states are unreal.

Nothing exist other then mind in experience of duality? It is the mind gives the senses of reality in duality; outside of the mind one can see nothing. Hence one knows nothing but mind in the experience of duality.

If the mind is not there is knowledge of any sort. Whole physical existence [waking/dream] is dependent on mind. Thus seeker of truth has to entirely indulge in knowing what is mind, and what is the substance of the mind, in order to acquire non dual wisdom.
