Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Real rebirth is dying from the experience duality into the Spirit.

Real rebirth is dying from the experience duality into the Spirit. This is the significance of the crucifixion of Jesus. Whenever identification with the body exists, the duality persist, whether in waking/dream/astral, till the duality disappears it will prevail as reality. Only when the mind /’I’, merges into the Source – the soul/ Spirit/ self ,then only the duality ceases to be reality.
The ball which is projected upwards remains in constant motion, till it returns to its source, the earth, and rests. Pain continues to give trouble, till the pre-pain state is regained.
Thirst for truth is inherent in the very nature of life, which is non dual existence. Due to ignorance by false identification with the physical body, one feels he is an individual separate from the world, and views and judges the worldview on the base of body[‘I’] as self; but he is unaware of the fact that ,he and his experience of the world are within the waking experience.
Only when he becomes aware of the fact that, the body [‘I’] is not the self he will indulge in deeper inquiry and realizes the fact that, the soul/Ataman is the true self, eventually come to firm conviction that the soul /Ataman is the true self, and the waking /dream are erupted from the soul, thus yields to the true self/soul, which alone eternally exists.