Wednesday, December 28, 2011

People who view and judge on the standpoint of the waking entity or ego will not understand this because they see diversity(universe) as reality.

Everything here refers to soul or consciousness, because everything [three states] is created out of consciousness.   On the standpoint of soul or consciousness there is no second thing exists other than the consciousness.  Thus everything, which is soul or consciousness, is perfectly perfect.

 People who view and judge on the standpoint of the waking entity or ego will not understand this because they see diversity(universe)  as reality. They think ‘waking entity or ego’ is self, and body is illusion, whereas, the body and the ‘ego ’, both are part of the illusion.   They think whatever exists within the waking experience that is, man and his experience of the world as reality. 

There are so many obstacles if one tries to reach non-dual destination through physical/ego based paths and practices. Therefore, physical/ego based paths and practices are roundabout way to reach the non-dual destination.

The scholars are sentimentally and emotionally involved with their inherited philosophy which is based on the scriptures they will not be able to grasp the non-dual truth. The non-dual truth has to be grasped without the religion, scriptures and god glorification. 
Self-Knowledge is the aim of every human being. Since everyone thinks the physical body is the self their aim is misdirected and they focus their attention on materiality which makes one feel the duality [waking] as reality.
Sri, Nisagadutta Maharajah  said:  Millions are in search of the ultimate truth, and only one in million will be able to grasp and realize it. By focusing more attention on Atman by talking, writing, discussing only of Atman, the conviction grows and becomes firmer and the duality will fade away as reality. Atman/sprit which is one’s   true identity will prevail as birth-less and deathless, eternal substance and witness of the mirage called duality.
Therefore there is no need to study scriptures, or indulge in god and guru glorification or performing religious rituals in pursuit of truth.  Since, they are not the means to acquire non-dual wisdom. It is only waste of time and effort to indulge in those things. 
 When one  tries  and verify all this paths and practices and find them useless and inadequate to acquire non dual wisdom, then you will find path of wisdom  is the only path to acquire non dual wisdom.