Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Yogic six chakras and Seven Chakras in Raja yoga are based on fact and fiction.

By controlling   the mind with Kriya yoga or any other Raj yoga practice will not yield the ultimate truth.  When the self is not the body what is the use of practicing mind control.

 Those that want Brahman will not practice control of mind [Mandukya page .231].

That is Yoga for those who are not receptive and sharp enough to grasp the truth. Seeker of truth will adopt path of inquiry, reason and discrimination.

Truth has to be attained not by intuition but by reason, which is superior to it. Not even a combination of intellect and intuition will find truth.

Proof is the first thing in pursuit of truth. One has to know with certainty not by heresy. 

Yogic six chakras and Seven Chakras in Raja yoga are based on fact and fiction. It was noted that there were nervous plexuses and nodules at intervals in the spine and other parts of the body. Upon this basis the yogis started imagining that if the mind is concentrated on each one a different mystic result would be obtained. But that is mere fancy. When self is formless the question chakras not arise. It is foolish to practice yoga after one becomes aware of the fact that self is not the body but the self is formless consciousness. The body based yogic or mystical theories are not the means for self-realization. 

Without having firm Inner conviction that the self is not the form but the self is formless consciousness it is difficult to acquire self-knowledge.  It is useless to argue on the standpoint form as self because self is not form but self is formless consciousness.

Man and his experience of the universe is the product of ignorance.  Therefore, everyone is in ignorance of their true existence. Everyone knows about their birth, life, death and the universe but they are unaware of the fact that their experience of the birth, life, death and the universe is mere illusion form ultimate standpoint.  

Illusion disappears in deep sleep, death or one gets the awareness of the true self through nondual wisdom.  If ignorance were permanent nothing could be known. Pursuit of truth is removal of ignorance by self - knowledge.

All interpretation based on the “ego or waking entity” leads to hallucination.  Scriptural tenets may be accepted as authoritative only after one has shown the reality and proved the truth, for then he can point out that the texts teach the same thing. If one quotes them before having demonstrated truth, then it is scholasticism or punditry.

There have been so many conflicting belief systems, or so many changes, divisions and subdivisions of religion, therefore religious truth is individual not universal.

Only when one meets with suffering and disappointments, than the doubts arises about his inherited belief system. Doubts are absolutely necessary to make men inquire. Thus when man gets doubts than only he begins to question whether his inherited belief system is true or false. Pursuit of truth is the getting rid of all doubts.  Pursuit of truth begins with doubt.  That is, doubting one’s own self, one’s own beliefs.