Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Gnani is fully aware of the fact that. the whole waking experience which consist him and his experience of the world are consciousness in their substance

"Gnani is the one who has acquired Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana - hence from his understanding he realizes the truth about the practical life within the practical world. A Gnani is fully aware of the fact that the the world  in which exists is mere illusion created out of consciousness.   Thus consciousness  alone is real.  A Gnani is fully aware of the fact that, the whole waking experience which consist him and his experience of the world are consciousness  in their substance.  Thus everything is consciousness.  

Seeker with humility will be able to recognize what he knows is so little in comparison to what he needed to know. The only medicine that he can cure his ego is a little spoon of "humility." Without this medicine, he will likely argue for ever and lose the path to reach his non dual destination.

The seeker has seriously indulged in inquiry; analysis and reasoning without mixing up his accumulate knowledge and verify the truth . Seeker has to spare some time and think and understand assimilate the un-contradictable truth.  The seeker has to study enough understand,  what he wants to know and clear all cobweb  misunderstandings, doubts and confusion. There is no use of arguing with others but he has to argue with  his own self  using his own reasoning power till he gets each and every point of his doubts and confusion get cleared.  

For Gnani the “self” shines without the form, name and experience of the universe, because he is fully aware of the fact that, his body, name and his experience of the universe are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Therefore he treats his body, name and his experience of the universe has  to be consciousness. Thus for a Gnani consciousness alone is real and any second thing other than consciousness is mere illusion.   

 The consciousness is the formless substance and exists within the universe or mind. The universe or mind is an object to the formless subject. Thus holding the object as reality without being aware of the formless subject, which is consciousness is cause of the ignorance. 

The formless soul , the innermost  self is in the form of consciousness and the mind or universe is mere mirage created out of consciousness.   Holding the mirage as reality and judging on the base of the body as self and thinking that these two are one is cause of the ignorance.

Consciousness is sentient.  Mind, which is in the form of universe, is insentient. Therefore all the contents of the universe are insentient. Thus holding the insentient as sentient is cause of ignorance. 

Consciousness is eternal and ever existent, Mind, which is in the form of universe, is transient and nonexistent, it is due to self - ignorance, the duality is experienced as reality.  Only through self-awareness, the self becomes aware of its formless non-dual nature.  Thus it is the self that has to become aware of itself by realizing the fact that the mind or universe is mere mirage.  Thus it is the self that has to become aware of the fact that, it is not the waking entity, which perceives the world to realize the waking experience is mere mirage in the midst of waking experience. 

The ignorant thinks that, the self is the body, and perceives the world without being aware of the fact that, his body, ego and universe are mere illusory experience created out of consciousness. Thus trying to judge the truth on the false entity within the false experience is erroneous. Until one makes sure of the true self, it is erroneous to judge and conclude the ultimate truth on mere speculation and assumption.  Thus one has to make sure of the fact that   the true self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless knower of the three states, which comes and goes.    

A Gnani say that the true knowledge is that, “Self” is definitely neither the waking entity nor the dream entity because the waking and dream both are illusory.  The true self is   consciousness and its nature is formless, non-dual peace, and equanimity. Consciousness is    the existence and knowledge. 

Illusion’s "concealing power" merely means that when one looks at an ice block he thinks only of the ice block. But a Gnani will think of the substance of the ice block too.   That is a wise man has the knowledge of the substance plus of the ice block. Similarly a Gnani has the knowledge of the universe and its formless substance also. The consciousness is concealed because of ignorance because as a man one is not aware of the fact that, his body and the world are mere mirage created out of consciousness. When one becomes aware of the mirage then there is no body and no universe there is only the formless consciousness, which is the true self.   

One has to get firm conviction that, the Self is definitely not the waking entity which is an illusion but self is without change, without any form, without any blemish and without any decay, without   disease, beyond all comprehension, beyond any change and consciousness is all pervading.

Self is definitely not the waking entity within the waking experience    which is an illusion but self is without properties and without any activity, self is permanent, forever free and imperishable.

The self is not ‘I’ which an illusion is, but the self is the formless knower or witness of the ‘I’ ,which is the mind and mind is in the form of universe and universe appears as waking or dream.  The consciousness is without moment and limits, it is pure.  It is ageless   because it is formless, birth less and deathless.

A Gnani has the firm conviction that,   all the three states are an object to the formless subject.  And the three states are but transient experience.  He identifies self with the Formless Witness, he is unaffected by the individual experiences happening within the waking or dream because he knows that self, the soul, can never be lost or lose anything in itself. Thus noting is lost or gained because everything is consciousness therefore Gnani sees only consciousness in everything and everywhere in the experience of diversity, thus for him no second thing exists other than consciousness.  

Knowing the three states as a part of self, which is consciousness, he no longer considers it as an object such distinction exists only when inquiring. The ignorant man imagines he is related to objects, imagines there is causal relation with them and then imagines his sufferings because of their transiency. He foolishly believes that anything can go away from his self, because he separates his-self from them.

Unity is here and now, always has been and always will be. so long as one is  ignorant of this truth, he will  not see unity only he  sees diversity.