Saturday, September 17, 2011

This awareness of the consciousness without physicality is possible for the individual only if the root cause for the ignorance is completely destroyed.

 Ignorance prevents one from seeing the truth. Ignorance is the cause of the illusion. Illusion is cause of the universe. Universe is cause of experiencing birth, life and death as reality.  Until one becomes aware of the fact that, the universe, which is in the form of mind, is myth, it is impossible to assimilate the self-knowledge.  

If there is no ignorance, then where can be the universe be? Seeing myth instead of truth, due to utter confusion, He only sees this universe, without realizing the reality.

Once the real nature of the “true Self” is realized, the “Universe” will not be seen as real, once knowledge of  the “true Self” is gained  and one  establishes in his formless  true identity ,which is consciousness ,  then the birth, life, death and the universe will never remain as reality . 

The birth, life, death and universe are reality within the waking or dream.  The waking or dream is unreality on the base of the true self, which is consciousness.   

Hence if one wishes to overcome the experience of birth, life, death and universe [illusion], he has to realize the fact that, the self is not physical but the self is consciousness. 

This awareness of the consciousness without physicality is possible for the individual only if the root cause for the ignorance is completely destroyed. Ignorance arises only if one sees the objects of the world as external to him.  If there is no second object other then consciousness, then there is no room for any ignorance at all! Absence of ignorance leads helps one to overcome the illusory cycle of birth, life and death. Once a soul/self is out of this illusory cycle, there is no scope for experiencing the illusion as reality.  Hence this self-awareness is known as "Liberation" or “freedom”.

To get freed from illusory reality, following the same track, one must get rid of the 'Notion of diversity' which is the root cause of experiencing illusion as reality. This is the road to nondual peace, which is the nature of the true self. 

How does one know that, there is no diversity at all, when we have the cognition of this entire universe with all varieties in its creation? 

The truth which is consciousness is the only reality and that the apparent notion of diversity (the root cause of all miseries) is only due to ignorance. If this ignorance is destroyed once then the knowledge of consciousness arises. Then one becomes fully aware of the fact that the consciousness is ultimate truth. 

Once this self- knowledge arises, one is able to disconnect identity with the ego and identify with the true self, which is the consciousness. Thus consciousness is ultimate reality.

Birthlessness of the self, which is free from manifestation and causal relationship, is absolute and constant. For duality i.e. the perceiving mind and its objects is merely an objectification of the mind. 

Realizing the absence of causality as ultimate truth and not finding any other reason for birth, one attains that state which is free from grief, desire and fear.

On account of attachment to unreal objects the mind pursues such objects. But it comes back to its pure state when it attains non-attachment, realizing their unreality. 

The mind freed from attachment to all external objects and undistracted by fresh objects attains the state of immutability. Such a mind is consciousness; it is undifferentiated, birthless and non-dual. 

The birthless, dreamless and sleepless Reality reveals itself by itself; for this consciousness by its very nature is self- luminous.  The Consciousness becomes easily hidden because of attachment to any single object and is revealed with great difficulty. 

The ignorant, with their spiritually immature   minds, verily cover consciousness by predicating of it such attributes as existence, non-existence, existence and non-existence and total non-existence, deriving these characteristics from the notions of change, immovability, combination of change and immovability and absolute negation which they associate with consciousness. 

Attachment to unreality hides the truth from one's view. He who knows the consciousness to it ever untouched by them indeed knows all. 

There is nothing else remains to be desired by him who has attained the natural state, -a state of complete non-duality, which is without beginning, middle, or end.

One has to avoid using the words like higher and lower self, because it gives an idea that there are two self. And also gives an idea that both the self are real.  It is only in yogic/ and astral projection they say as higher and lower self, or in the beginning of spiritual pursuit to convince the beginners. 

When one reaches the higher understanding, then one has to use only subject and object and real and unreal to grasp the non-dual truth. 

By saying higher self are us, you have left out the world, and you are speaking of the individual self [ego].  And it is only half truth.  Thus the consciousness becomes individualized whereas the consciousness is the formless substance and witness of three states, which pervades in everything and everywhere in the three states. The self [Consciousness] exists only as formless substance witness of the three states, therefore it cannot be found as an entity or identity in the physical world. 
You/me/others/and all the object seen exists within the world. The world exists within the waking experience.  The waking experience/dream is mind [duality].  The deep sleep is no mind state [non-duality]. The mind appears and disappears as ‘I’. Thus limiting the ‘I’/mind only to the physical entity is cause of all confusion. Thus one has to make sure first ‘I’/mind, is not the self, but ‘I’ is the whole experience of waking/dream/mind. If “I” is there then the mind is there. If mind is there then the waking/dream is there. Absent of ‘I’/mind is absent of waking/dream. 
To describe the true self [consciousness] one has to bifurcate the subject, from object mentally, by constantly reflecting on the formless witness and grasp and realize it. One has to realize the fact that, the waking/dream are the objects, and the subject is formless.  The waking/dream is an object to the formless subject.  This has to be grasped mentally; it cannot be described by the words. This can be achieved through constantly reading and reflecting on the F.P blogs repetitively   which in turn creates the base and also a yardstick subconsciously and replaces the reasoning faculty from present form base to formless base.  Once one becomes aware of the fact that, the subject is formless then he becomes aware that mind is an object [I].

Thus the waking/dream experiences in which man and the world are present is an object to the subject. Thus it proves the fact that man is mere experience and perceives the world within the experience [waking/dream]. [Illustration is dream- the dream is not experienced by physical body]  Therefore, the experiencer [witness] of the whole waking is formless. Thus the formless experiencer [witness] is the subject and the waking/dream is an object. The formless witness is the true self [consciousness], all else [waking/dream] is illusion.

The subject [consciousness] is hidden within the three states as its formless clay and it is without the object [waking/dream] as its formless witness. The subject is apart [consciousness] from the object because it is not an entity or identity within the waking/dream.   Thus it is necessary for anyone to study deeply enough to get the perfect understanding and realization. 
 There are three aspects in pursuit of truth, 1. Discovering 2. Assimilating 3. Realizing.  Only by discovering and assimilating the wisdom will not dawn, one has to realize it, by constantly reflecting on the subject until the conviction becomes firmer and matures.