Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ignorance is the cause of the illusion. And Illusion is cause of the universe

Just as the dream entity and the dream universe in the dream, is an illusion, which appeared and disappeared, for the realized one, this waking entity and the waking world, is mere illusion created out of consciousness because he is fully aware of the fact that the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless knower of the three states. 

When the waking entity and the waking world are mere illusion then the experience birth, life, death and the world are mere illusion created out of consciousness. These beings so, how can Prarabdha, come along with birth, when birth itself takes place within the illusion? 

 Ignorance prevents one from seeing the truth. Ignorance is the cause of the illusion. And Illusion is cause of the universe. Universe is cause of experiencing birth, life and death as reality.  Until one becomes aware of the fact that, the universe, which is in the form of mind, is myth, it is impossible to assimilate the self-knowledge.  

If there is no ignorance, then where can be the universe be? Seeing myth instead of truth, due to utter confusion, He only sees this universe, without realizing the reality.

Once the real nature of the “true Self” is realized, the “Universe” will not be seen as real, once knowledge of  the “true Self” is gained  and one  establishes in his formless  true identity ,which is consciousness ,  then the birth, life, death and the universe will never remain as reality .

Consciousness the true Self is hidden and pervades in everything and everywhere in the three states as their formless substance and witness; but it is seen by Gnanis through their one—pointed and subtle intellects. 

The serious seeker should merge his speech in his mind and his mind in his intellect by understanding the fact that all his experiences are created out of consciousness. 

Seeker has to arise! awake and learn to know the fact that the experience of  duality [waking/dream] is created out of Atman or consciousness, without understanding this fact , there is no unity in diversity. The path of truth is Like the sharp edge of a razor, so it is hard to tread and difficult to cross without perfect understanding and without the guidance of Gnani 

Having realized consciousness as true self , which is soundless, intangible, formless, undecaying and likewise tasteless, eternal and odourless; having realized That which is without beginning and end, beyond the Great and unchanging—one is freed from experiencing the duality as reality.
It is through consciousness that one perceives all objects in sleep or in the waking state. Having realized the vast, all—pervading consciousness, one enters into non dual tranquillity. 

He who knows the consciousness as true self, the formless  experiencer of  the three states, as consciousness, free from experiencing the  past ,present and the future as reality.

Atman or consciousness is undistorted Consciousness. He who meditates on consciousness is free from experiencing the pain and pleasure as reality, liberated from the bonds of ignorance; he becomes free from experiencing the diversity as reality. 

The consciousness, when identifies with the body and dwelling in it by experiencing the duality as reality. If it is torn away from the body and its experience, is freed from it, what then remains?  Whatever prevails is non-dual consciousness. 

The consciousness, which remains awake while the sense—organs are asleep, shaping one lovely form after another that indeed is the Pure, that is consciousness  and that alone is called the Immortal. All three states are contained in consciousness and none can pass beyond.