Everyone is seeking eternal peace
and misery is most unwelcome to all creatures. Every living creature is engaged
in some activity or the other only in search of eternal peace. But they have
not attained this peace because they
are not aware of their formless true identity.
Instead they have gotten themselves entangled only in pain and pleasure
because they are not aware of the fact that, the self is not form but the self
is formless. They have not been able to
get this non-dual peace because they seek physical happiness from external
objects, while the truth is that non-dual peace is within the mind and the
search must be made within to attain this supreme peace, by investigating what
is mind and what is the substance of the mind.
All the pleasures that are derived
from the world are trifles compared to that non-dual peace which is the Supreme.
Hence, it would the greatest help if one could show the way to this eternal peace.
The Self-Knowledge is the tool to non-dual peace which is the nature of the true
self, which is in the form of consciousness.
In the state of non-duality where
there is complete cessation of sense “I am the doer ", "the objects
that are seen / perceived are different from the self, which is consciousness",
so on and so forth. In this state, there is no misery or delusion in the realm
of non-dual truth. There is delusion or misery for the one who has realized this
non-dual truth. “Because he is fully aware the experience is mere mirage
created out of consciousness. Thus man
and his universe is mere experience within the mirage. In realm of truth there is no mirage only non-dual reality.
The mixture of pain and pleasure is
inevitable to all beings that are born within the illusion, which is in the
form of universe. Until man thinks he is the doer he is action oriented. In the
realm of action he thinks he is an individual separate from the world. As an individual
he has the conviction that, he is born in this world and world existed prior to
him. Until this conviction is there it is very difficult to grasp the non-dual
Deeper inquiry, analysis and
reasoning revels the fact that the self is not the form [body or ego] but
formless [soul or consciousness].
Therefore, if the self is formless, then, one which is born, lives and
dies is not the self. If the self is birth-less then whatever seen, known,
believed, experienced on the base of birth entity is mere myth. Thus the birth entity and its experience of
the world is myth hence the world where the birth, life and death takes place
is myth.
The universe which is in the form of mind
comes and goes as waking or dream is unreal on the standpoint of the true self
,which is formless soul ,which is in the form of consciousness. The substance and witness of the mind or
universe is consciousness. Since, the formless substance and witness are
one in essence there is no scope for existence for second thing. Hence
it is nondual. Thus consciousness alone
is real all else is mere mirage created out of consciousness.
As long
as one believes the body as self, he is bound to believe his body as the doer.
Until he thinks the body as the doer, he is bound to believe that, birth life,
death and the world as reality. Until he believes the birth, life and death as
reality he is bound to experience the illusion as reality. Without the
consciousness the body and the world crease to exist.