Saturday, July 16, 2011

Aduatmic discussion-35

Sannyas has to be a second birth. And all that you have accumulated around the idea of attachment, clinging, possessiveness, domination, has to be dropped. These are the poisons. Love people but love unconditionally. Love people but don’t expect anything in return. Love people for the sheer joy of loving. And don’t bother about whether tomorrow the same is going to continue or not. Source ~ Osho
June 23 at 1:03am · ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar Sri, Raman Maharshi said:- Giving up the non-Self is renunciation. Inhering in the Self is jnana or Self-realisation. One is the negative and the other the positive aspect of the same, single truth. (Day by Day with Bhagavan, 2nd January, 1946, afternoon)
      June 24 at 8:23am · · 2 people