Saturday, July 16, 2011

Adyathmic discussion-36

To say 'I am not the body' but 'I am the self' is still not correct. There is no thought of 'I' in true Being.
June 11 at 5:15pm · · ·

  • Ferdinand Šimon likes this.

    • Peya Ljena Thambawitage impersonal view of universe .
      June 11 at 5:23pm · · 1 person

    • Santthosh Kumaar Self is not 'I' or ' I AM' but the formless witness of the coming and going of the 'I' or 'I AM' . The self is hidden within the form,time and space but it is without form,time and space. One has to grasp the existence of the formless,timeless and space- less self mentally because it is beyond relam of words.
      June 11 at 5:34pm · · 1 person