Saturday, July 16, 2011

Adyatmic discussion-45

The intellect is like the moon.
It obtains the light of the consciousness of the Self,
what equals the Sun.
So, if the Self starts Shining, the Intellect looses,
just like the Moon with Sunrise it's use.

Maharishi ~ (AH)
April 18 at 11:20pm · ·

  • 8 people like this.

    • Paul Hefferon Very good.
      April 18 at 11:42pm · · 1 person

    • Santthosh Kumaar The intellect is part of the physicality. the egocentric reasoning faculty is intellect. soul centric reasoning faculty is wisdom. when wisdom dawns physical existence[illusion] looses its luster of reality, because Self alone shines as bright sun .
      April 19 at 7:59am · · 2 people