Saturday, July 16, 2011

Adyatmic disussion-32

More words & more experiences; that’s the general direction of mind; mind hardly stops; in the very act of stopping; the process of information gathering is arrested; in this; is the revelation! (To be Contn;)
July 5 at 4:56pm · ·

    • Santosh Kunte The job of a master is to stop the moving mind and bring it to stillness; not the stillness fabricated by mind but that which has remained absolutely immaculate; here; there is fulfillment beyond description or conditions; to come to this virgin place, is monumental task, & yet it’s absolutely effortless, for the one, who has come to existential edge.
      July 5 at 4:56pm · · 3 people

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      The mind itself is an experience. The mind is in the form of universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. Dream is an experience. Similarly the waking also is an experience. The dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. Similarly the waking becomes unreal when wisdom dawns. The wisdom dawns when one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity, but it is the formless substance and witness of the three states. That formless substance and witness is consciousness,which is the innermost self. On the standpoint of the inner most self , the three states are mere illusion created out of consciousness. There is no second thing exist because the whole universe is created out of consciousness. Consciousness alone is real and eternal and ultimate truth or Brahman.
      July 5 at 7:28pm · · 1 person

    • Mahesh Aswaney Hello Santthosh whats the proof that there is nothing beyond pl dont quote scriptures here or regression ad infinitum just give me a straight forward answer this is another mind game to escape from the fear of mortality and is a mere rationalisation
      July 6 at 9:02pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      Dear Maheshji, there is no need of scriptures in pursuit of truth. rational attitude is very much needed in pursuit of truth. I quote scriptures because scriptures itself declare that the truth lies beyond scriptural knowledge. The truth is hidden within the mind but it is beyond the mind. It cannot be described in one or two words but it takes deeper self-search to understand assimilate and realize it. And one cannot realize it by mere argument based on the ego ,which is false self. The mind, which is in the form of universe, is unreal because it is the "Seen", like a dream. The reality and existence of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness, the most fundamental substance of the mind, which is in the form of universe, cannot be questioned, for this truth is self-evident. The consciousness is the true self. In fact, the self does not need any proof.

      The self is self-evident, and no one can deny its existence for it is the basis of all the three states. Everyone is conscious of the existence of his self and never thinks that it is in the form of consciousness.

      To doubt the existence of the self would be a contradiction in terms because then one would doubt the existence of the very doubter who engages in doubt. The existence of the doubter itself is based on the consciousness. Thus he has to find the reality of his own existence.

      Without the existence of the self, which is in the form of consciousness it is impossible for us to entertain the idea or even to be capable of refutation. Because the knowledge of the self is not established through the so-called means of right knowledge, it is self-established.

      Thus, the very existence of understanding and its functions presuppose the intelligence known as the self, that is self-established, different from these functions and on which they depend.

      Both the possibility of knowledge and the means of knowledge have relevance if there would be the self that is the source of all knowledge. Therefore, consciousness, which is the true self, is beyond all doubt, "for it is the essential nature of him who denies it. Therefore, it is the nature of the self, not its reality or existence, which is to be proved. The self must seek itself in order to find what it is, not that it is.

      Consciousness pervades all the three states as their formless substance and witness. It is formless without any parts, without qualities, spotless, having no abilities like going and coming, etc., devoid of ideas of `me' and `mine' and also of desire, aversion and effort.

      It possessing no organs like the intellect, etc., free from attributes. It is neither the breath nor the breather. It is untouched by the individual experiences of birth, life and death, which happens within the universe. The self, pervades all the three states. It is within the three states and it is the apart from the three states. It is apart because it is not and entity of identity within the three states.

      Consciousness is the deathless, birthless, eternal and real substance in all the three states. It is the unchanging reality behind the changing mind, which is in the form of universe. It is pure consciousness and it not affected by time, space and causality. It is limitless and without a second. In order to understand the true nature of consciousness one must discriminate the formless witness from three states. thus to realize the true existence one has to first become fully aware of the fact that the mind is not within the body but body and the experience of the world are within the mind. than only it is possible to grasp and realize what is beyond form, time and space. --please read blogs , you will find answers for all your doubts.
      July 7 at 9:21am · · 1 person

    • Santosh Kunte
      Even after the revelation of it; mind comes back due to residues and still searches it as object of perception but do what one can; it can not be objectified.

      In the subject-object duality and usage of language as means of communication ; r...See More
      July 7 at 10:02am · · 1 person

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      The object is mere mirage created out of the formless subject,which is consciousness. the three states are an object to the formless subject. in reality there is no subject and object because both are one in essence. until one is ignorant of the formless subject he thinks the object as subject and thinks object as reality without real zing the fact that object is falsehood. thus one has to know what is untruth to realize what is truth. without realizing what is untruth it is difficult to know what is truth. it takes long time to drop inborn samskara or conditioning ,which is in the form 'I'. Only when one realizes the fact that 'I' or 'I AM,' is not the self than only he will be able to establish firmly on the formless base. If one mentally detaches the self from the three states by realizing the fact that, the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity than he became free from experiencing the form, time and space as reality. If one becomes free from experiencing the form, time and space as reality than he becomes free from experiencing the universe as reality. If one becomes free from experiencing the universe as reality than he becomes free from experiencing the birth, life and death as reality. If one becomes free from experiencing the birth, life and death as reality than he becomes free from experiencing the duality as reality.

      If one becomes aware of the fact that, the duality is mere illusory reality then he sees the self, which is in the form of formless consciousness in everything and everywhere the sameness in the illusory reality.

      Consciousness is the only one, true existence beyond all thoughts, consciousness is the knower, the witness, the truth, the indivisible, and there is no doubt whatsoever that, the universe is within the self, which is consciousness. Because one hold the ‘I’ as self is the reason for the universe, which is in the form of mind to exist as reality.

      Self is in the form of formless consciousness is one and does not have any parts, the body is not the self and the body is divisible in to various organs, by considering the body as self , one is in ignorance, by thinking that these two are one.

      The problem arises because everyone identifies themselves with their body with the name as self within the world, which appear as waking experience but they are unaware of the fact that, the waking experience is perishable. A Gnani is always aware of the fact that the true self is not the form but formless consciousness the body and the world are mere mirage created out of consciousness, thus they are illusory in their nature. By limiting the consciousness to the waking entity alone is the cause of ignorance, because the consciousness pervades all the three states as their formless substance and witness.

      The very purpose of pursuit of truth is to break this illusion of experience of birth, life and death and form, time and space by constant drawing attention to the formless substance and witness of the three states by providing seekers of truth with the path which would enable them to be free of experiencing the illusory duality as reality.
      July 7 at 11:38am · · 2 people

    • Mahesh Aswaney
      Hello Santthosh ,agreed the duality is a mirage ,that it is a projection on the reality i.e conciousness and that it is a self fulfilling prophecy but to reduce everything to conciousness because all three states are reducible to it is very good but because the conciousness is witness to all three states is not enough to show it is the absolute.Your example that doubter and doubting ,doubted triology dissolving into substratum is again rationalising that conciousness is the absolute.Le me say one thing Santthosh life doesnt get one bit better and one still has to toil by the sweat of ones brow and wether or not conciouness is absolute does not add any value except it is another trip like the ego it s contrarian non ego and may be the roller coaster ride may stop but what difference it makes when buddha was asked he said nothing.
      July 7 at 7:32pm ·

    • Santosh Kunte
      Maheshbhai; very valid; the conciousness is witness to all three states is not enough to show, it is the absolute. It all are mere words; however words points to absolute but absolute itself, can not be formulated.

      As regards life remaining complicated; it is bound to be complicated so long there is somebody who derives pleasure out of the complexities. Value is mere word; an interpretation which changes from mechanism to mechanism. Feeding the belly is value or feeding the senses 24x7 is value for most of the folks; it depends which value one is talking about.

      If someone is really shifted to silence; the very fundamental quality of existence is transformed.

      Absolute fulfillment is an impossibility with objects & mind does no more than chase & change objects; it could pretty much become a vicious cycle with no end to chasing.

      Subject-object relation are temporal; time and the fact of death rules it absolutely and I have not seen ego enjoying any comfort in the face of death.

      One can experience existential autonomy only when one is absolutely shifted beyond objects until then its all hearsay.
      July 7 at 8:15pm · · 1 person

    • Mahesh Aswaney Santosh bhai today you have something which is a picaso of spiritualism beyond a point keep the canvass open
      July 7 at 11:54pm ·

    • Mahesh Aswaney
      the things like comnciousness is god has picked up lot of quarrel with the western thinkers ,where as the supreme whatever is something indescribable so thats why buddha said dont ask me what it is because it is a chasm which is beyond and the mind wants to be a phantom of conciousness did u see the god realized ones who are still not there so much ore egoistic so gita in chapter 2 best describes it is witness but doesnt describe it like the modern art
      July 8 at 12:03am ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      When the witness[soul or consciousness] and witnessed[three states] are one in essence , there is no second-thing exists other than consciousness. The self is within the three states but it is without the three states. It is within the three state as their formless witness and it is without the three states as their formless witness. It is without three states because it is not a thing or an entity or identity within the three states . Thus the formless substance and witness are one in essence. Thus consciousness alone is real and the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Since our judgement is based on the waking entity ,which not self ,it becomes difficult to accept the practical life within the practical world as illusion. When we we are discussing the truth within the illusion, all our discussion and all our thoughts,words and individual experiences is bound to be illusion. Suppose we are discussing the same thing within the dream, the dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. Similarly the waking becomes unreal when wisdom dawns or we become aware of the fact that , the waking entity is not the self. without making the accumulated knowledge as a yardstik if one starts his quest on right direction than it becomes easier and faster to assimilate the nondual truth.
      July 8 at 7:59am ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      We exist within the illusion. thus our burden and bondage ,pain and pleasure are reality within the illusion ,which is in the form of waking experience. The consciousness [soul] is the true self. The true self is the source of the three states. These three states deceive; the people fail to look beyond them to its source, which is real, supreme and imperishable. The three states are mere mirage/illusion. It is difficult to overcome the illusion without the wisdom. But one can cross over this illusion, by realizing and becoming aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but it is consciousness.

      People are deluded by illusion, because they have immersed in the illusion experiencing it as reality. They are ignorant because they think the self is physical and birth, life, death and world as reality. Having lost all discrimination, they follow the way of their physical nature. When ignorance vanishes through wisdom then only it is possible to negate the illusion, the mortal becomes immortal. When all the physical shackles that strangle the self are loosened, the mortal becomes immortal, here in this very life.

      The ultimate understanding is: Nothing has actually been created. All that appears is mere mirage. Everything is consciousness and nothing can be a part of it. No second thing exist other than consciousness, neither the man nor the world, which contains all the objects exits in non-dual reality.

      Until we rectify our reasoning base from form to formless it becomes difficult to assimilate the self-knowledge. It takes some time to sink in. There is no need to even to discuss in length, if one goes on reading my blogs:-
      One will find answers for all his doubts and confusions. And as his conviction becomes stronger by becoming aware of the fact that, the self is not the form but the self is formless, his reasoning base also will be rectified mentally from form base to formless base.
      There is no use of taking strain to understand assimilate the conceptual divisions invented by teachers of philosophy by their excessive analysis. There are more and more doubts and confusions, if one tries to understand and assimilate the ultimate truth through scriptures.

      Why to follow the path of doubts and confusion by losing oneself in the labyrinths of philosophy, when one can realize the ultimate truth without them. By mentally tracing the source of the mind from where it rises and subsides one becomes aware of the fallacy of the mind, which rises as waking or dream and subsides as deep sleep. The mind raises form consciousness and subsides as consciousness. Therefore, there is a need for perfect understanding assimilation of nondual truth.
      July 8 at 8:17am ·

    • Mahesh Aswaney
      Santthosh thanks for that very persistent and brilliant explanation but may i pl request you to addres the following issue with more clarity:.Your example that doubter and doubting ,doubted triology dissolving into substratum is again rationalising that conciousness is the absolute.Le me say one thing Santthosh life doesnt get one bit better and one still has to toil by the sweat of ones brow and wether or not conciouness is absolute does not add any value except it is another trip like the ego it s contrarian non ego and may be the roller coaster ride may stop but what difference it makes when buddha was asked he said nothing.
      July 8 at 1:15pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar Dear Maheshji, I just posted a blog - Our individual life is nothing to do with ultimate truth or Brahman @--http://sunthosh/​-- you will find detailed explanation for your doubts.
      July 8 at 6:13pm · · 1 person

    • Mahesh Aswaney Thanks i find you are a beautiful soul or perhaps you are the soul.......
      July 8 at 9:27pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar Thank you for your kind words. We are many in ignorance but well all are in reality.
      July 8 at 10:21pm ·