Saturday, July 16, 2011

Adyatmic discussion-40

‎"Just be a simple witness, a mirror which reflects and makes no judgment. This very moment you can become a witness. Witnessing is the only religion there is."

    • Santthosh Kumaar When the witness and witnessed are one in essence than there is no second thing exist other than the witness,which is consciousness. Thus consciousness alone is real and all else is mere mirage created out of consciousness.
      April 29 at 9:36pm · · 1 person

    • Nisarga Raman Witnessing is already happening, just we are not aware about it.
      May 1 at 12:25pm · · 1 person

    • Santthosh Kumaar There is neither witness nor witnessed from the ultimate standpoint. There is only oneness or the ultimate reality or Brahman.