Saturday, July 16, 2011

Adyatmic discussion - 42
santthosh's Page on Yoga Vidya International
April 30 at 4:56am · · ·

    • Justin Lovenow ‎...great forum and meaning. Can you start the similar Facebook group too...? I experience .Ning based sites are difficult to use with mobile devices, such as iPhone... Facebook is easier to use not least for instant communication and presence now... What do you think...?
      May 1 at 1:08am ·

    • Justin Lovenow ‎...yes, a separate, non-dual dedicated group, where like-minded-spirited people can study, discuss and exchange ideas in deep. You can replicate your insights posted in vidya-yoga Ning group and your private blog in this new Facebook group. I like the functionality, accessibility and availability with Facebook, enabling to more easily find and attract people of same interest and purpose...;-)
      May 3 at 4:42am · · 1 person