Saturday, July 16, 2011

Adyatmic discussion -28

The observer of a thought is not the thinker who thought it but the witness that disolved it.
May 11 at 2:55am · ·

  • 4 people like this.

    • Bina Paul Surya Namaskar Trevorji....great insight....thanks :)
      May 11 at 6:46am · · 1 person

    • Santthosh Kumaar The observer is the one which observers the thinker and thought together. the thought will not rise without the form. Thus the thinker has to be the form. The thinker and thought are part of the illusion. When one becomes aware of the fact that the subject and object are one in essence than observed will merge with observer and becomes one .
      May 11 at 8:09am · · 1 person

    • Trevor Lightbown The thinker is the thought that created the form long ago in past lives. The witness as consciousness in all forms must awaken to it"s own divinity by self realization. By being aware 24/7 of the chattering thoughts that make up your person.
      May 14 at 3:55am ·

    • Trevor Lightbown In other words. What you thought in a previous life created your body in this life. What you think in this life is creating your body for next life. Why do you suppose that Buddha extinguished his wheel of rebirth by awareness of his thoughts as they arose in the moment.
      May 14 at 4:03am ·

    • Bina Paul ‎@....Just did Ramakrishna Paramhanas... hung by his one thought for Swami Vivekananda sake ... the desire for food and he then let it go by making his wife aware of it...:)
      May 14 at 6:32am ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar
      Dear Trevor ,Deeper self-revels the fact that:-when the self is not the form self is the formless birth-less eternal reality than there is no question of past,present and future life. Rebirth theory is reality on the base of waking entity. waking entity[ego] is the false self within the false experience. The waking experience itself is an illusion from the ultimate standpoint. Thus the theory of past birth and rebirth is religious fable. Thus holding on to rebirth and karma theory is greatest obstacle in pursuit of truth.

      May 14 at 7:39am ·