Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Does god exist?
Does god exist or not, is the question that succeeds not only dividing people, creates a tug of war within the individual mind. Ironically, if one believes in god, nothing else matters, and even if one does not believe then too nothing else matters.

Those who have implicit faith in god bow their heads in submission to what they call divine will. They believe the world is testing ground and sorrows must be borne with patience in order to prove their love to god.

 On the other hand, atheists claim that the whole world is random creation arising, so to speak of chemical gravy that is accidental. Both this argument is based on the physical identity [`I'/ego] within the false experience [waking].

When the mind/'I' appears and disappears as a whole waking /dream [mind = duality] is dependent on the formless substance and witness, which is the spirit or Ataman, then it is erroneous to take authorship as a person and imagine things without verifying the validity of his belief. Therefore, it is no use of indulging in condemning belief of god or belief of no god with its never-ending arguments. However, it is high time to make sure the mystery behind one's own existence to unfold the fact that, there is no second thing exist other then the soul/Ataman.
People are lying immersed in the sleep of ignorance of their true existence has to arise and awake from the sleep of illusion. They have to seek and find and assimilate and realize the truth about the true "Self "to unfold the mystery of their own existence and of the god and the world.

The average person believes in god, it is only that belief that keeps most people smiling and hoping as they go through depression of ups and downs of life. History speaks that Religion and the belief of god is life-line of people all over the world. Same time they are cause of concern because of the violence and unrest through terrorism in the name of god and religion. There is a need for striping of religion and belief of god, which is cause of the unrest in the world. To strip the precious belief of god and religion, there is a need for replacement lifeline or else it is bankrupting people morally and spiritually leaving them at the edge of cliff that drops into emptiness.

Many intellectuals trying to propagate a line of vague religious thought that replaces the transcendent with temporal and looks for fulfilment successes the goods and the goals of life satisfaction. All these propagation come and go because they are not the first, nor will they be last. There is a need to verify the certainty about god's existence. Therefore, there is a need to unfold the mystery behind his existence. God does not exist as one thinks of Him, but the religion is not the means to unfold the truth. The truth has to be the ultimate proof, and that proof itself has to be considered as God, not the blind belief.

 The truth alone validates the existence of god. The religionists and atheists wasting their emotions steamed up in never ending argument have to introspect deeply in their god and no-god beliefs.

If god is omniscient, omnipotent, free and merciful, why did he create a world so full of sorrow and suffering? How did he create it? Over this problem, the greatest philosophers of the world racked their brains from ancient times. Much discussion has centred on it and many ingenious explanation been offered. A lot of space in the world of philosophical research has been devoted to the solution to this difficult problem.

Atheists has availed themselves of seemingly unanswerable objections to disprove the existence of god. Atheists hold all the argument offered by the philosophies in this connection is beside point. They say that it is no matter for gratification of the almighty god created the world so full of misery. If one concede that god has free will and yet created the world of suffering one has to admit ,they argue that god is merciless and partial and is governed by like and dislikes. Therefore, it is highly foolish to recognize a god so full of evil.

Atheism is pretentious in the sense of claiming to know more than it does. It claims to know what belief in god entails, and what religion, in all its infinite variety, essentially is. In addition, Atheism is in muddled because it cannot decide on what grounds it ultimately objects the religion and belief of god.

Some intellectuals arrived to conclusion that god did not create man but man created god and god is not a believing experience god is a feeling experience. Before This intellectual proclamation, they have to answer the question and erase all doubts and confusion regarding who created man and his experience of the world.

Religionists say in the matter of creation- god may be compared with the cloud. In rising grain, the cloud is a general cause. If a mango seed produces, the mango and pumpkin seed produces the pumpkin the particular cause is within the seed itself. Similarly, god is the general cause in the creation. The individual form and conduct and experiences are chiefly result of their own conduct in their previous existence. However, they are unable to answer who created god and what is
the cause of all causes?