Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The waking experince is nothing but illusion created out of Atman

The waking experience is nothing but illusion created out of Atman or consciousness. The waking experience appears and disappears on its own accord. Until man verifies what is `I', he will remain in ignorance and thinks that he is born in this world and the world existed prior to him. until tis conviction is there it is impossible  to assimilate self-knowledge. Man and his world and  his belief is reality only within the waking experience.

In deep sleep and one feels that he is awake, the dream appears simultaneously. With the "I" the waking and dream experience appears. Therefore, `I', is the waking or dream when the `I' disappears then the waking and dream experiences disappears.
Ego is not the witness of the waking or dream experience.  The ego exists within the waking or dream.  The one that witness the waking or dream as a whole is formless Ataman.  Since every master and every teaching are busy in overcoming the ego in order to realize the truth, they will remain in the prisoner within the duality.  The ego is the false identity. The ego keeps one within the realm of the experience of duality.