Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Formless Path

People are under the illusion that the knowledge of true self can be realized only when the perceptual world disappears. However, the perceptual world is appearing and disappearing every moment!

When one sees the world am he is not aware of the fact that the awareness is there. Awareness is Ataman. Even when one is not seeing the world, his awareness is still there. So the Ataman is not lost by becoming conscious of objective world, as yogis wrongly assert.

Ascetics who want to give up the world, really want to give up Ataman. The world is as much Ataman as anything. "Everything is Ataman". Hence their disdain for science, comforts, modern inventions, etc. is disdain for Ataman! What they ought to give up is the false-knowledge of the world, the false belief in its reality, the ignorance that it is idea. Illusion also is Ataman. Get rid not of world but of the ignorance ,which prevents one seeing the world as illusion.

The fallacy of the yogis is to think because they do not see the world in samadhi, they have realized Ataman. What about the world? Is it not Ataman too?

Omniscient=knowing the all as Ataman. Yet mystics seek to know the Nothing! Ataman=that into which all things go.

Meditation is useless to get self-knowledge, because that implies producing a second thing; but it is useful to get rid of bad thoughts or wrong ones.