Friday, December 11, 2009

All the divisions are part of the illusion.

The ultimate truth or Brahman dwells within the three states like fragrance in the flower; Musk lies within the Musk-deer yet seeks it afar." Until one trace the truth within the three states the illusion of birth, life, death and the world is experienced as reality.  –FORMLESS PATH 

In the realm of truth there is no difference between the high and low and  a Genius  and the dull-heard, rich and poor because there is no second thing exists other then consciousness  All the divisions are part of the illusion. Thus the seeker has to  realize on what standpoint  the  the world in he exists is an illusion. What creates the illusory division in the consciousness. 

From Non-dualistic perspective the physical awareness is mere an illusion. The ignorance is the cause of the physical-awareness. When the ignorance vanishes through wisdom then the unreal nature of the physical-awareness is exposed then there is freedom (Moksha) from experiencing the duality as reality.   

In self –awareness the formless soul remains in its own awareness.  When the formless soul or consciousness remains aware of its own non-dual   true nature in the midst of duality (waking), then the soul is free from experiencing the duality as reality.  

Thus, it is necessary to the soul,which is present in the form of  consciousness is the innermost self. and consciousness is the  formless substance and witness of the illusion in order to overcome the illusory duality.  In the real of truth the formless substance and witness of the illusion(three states are one in essence. 

The dream remains as reality until waking takes place. The waking experience becomes experience-less state in deep sleep.  The experience- less state or deep sleep also reality until waking takes place.  Deeper self-search reveals the fact that the self is neither the waking entity nor the self is dream entity   but the self is formless substance and witness of the three states. And the formless substance and witness are one in essence and that essence is consciousness (soul). The soul or consciousness is the innermost self.  On the standpoint of the innermost self the three states are non-existent as reality because the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. There is no second thing exists other than consciousness. Hence is non-dual.   Thus consciousness alone is real and eternal.

Some thinkers object that the difference between experience-less state (deep sleep) and the state of experience (waking or dream) are like different part seen of the single substance. But without deeper self-search how can anyone prove that it is the same substance and how to know that others are seeing the same substance. One will not be able to know the substance without realizing the fact that, the innermost self is not a form but formless soul. The formless soul is present in the form of consciousness. On the standpoint of the soul or consciousness, the innermost self the three states are one in essence. Thus the three states are created out single substance. Thus the soul or consciousness is ultimate reality or Brahman.